
Welcome to the Transhumanism Subreddit, hosted by the International Biohacking Community. Explore advanced technologies like AI, biotechnology, and cybernetics, and their impact on human evolution through evidence-based discussions.

Link: https://www.reddit.com/r/transhumanism/

Description: Welcome to the Transhumanism Subreddit by Josh Habka, hosted by the International Biohacking Community. This forum is dedicated to the examination of advanced technologies and their implications for human evolution, encompassing fields such as artificial intelligence, biotechnology, and cybernetics. We promote rigorous, evidence-based discussions regarding the role of technology in enhancing and transforming human capabilities. This space is not intended for conspiracies or negative behavior.

About the author
Josh Habka

Josh Habka

Josh Habka is an analog astronaut, science communicator, biohacker, and CEO of Astrochain.

International Biohacking Community

The International Biohacking Community is the home of: grinders, biohackers, diy-biologists sharing academic research and information to lead innovation of human health.

International Biohacking Community

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