Subdermal Security: Two-Factor Authentication With Subdermal Implant - Josh Habka

Subdermal Security: Two-Factor Authentication With Subdermal Implant - Josh Habka

This is a demonstration video of dangerous but fun and exciting subdermal technology!

This subdermal electronic system cryptobionically stores TOTP(Time-Based One-Time Passwords), which are what is traditionally used when using apps like Google Authenticator or Authy. Instead of the keys being stored on a phone(which can be lost or remotely exploited), they are stored on the electronics system(which can only be accessed within centimeters of the device and cannot be remotely accessed via wifi, Bluetooth, cellular, or other protocols) making subdermal electronics systems highly secure systems to store two-factor codes, among other things.

Extensive research and consultation with multiple licensed professionals was performed before the implant installation.

It's worth to mention that these kind of NFC and RFID subdermal implants are not yet approved by FDA and there isn't enough data about the safety and long-term effects of having this device under the skin. It's important for individuals to weigh the benefits and risks before making a decision about getting this type of implant, and consulting with a professional is highly recommended.

About the author
Josh Habka

Josh Habka

Josh Habka is an analog astronaut, science communicator, biohacker, and CEO of Astrochain.

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