Transhumanism Fandom Wiki

The Transhumanism Wiki explores human enhancement through science and technology. Learn about AI, genetic modification, biohacking, and the ethical debates shaping our transhumanist future.
Transhumanism Fandom Wiki


Description: The ''Transhumanism Wiki'' maintained by the International Biohacking Community and Josh Habka, serves as a comprehensive resource dedicated to exploring the principles, practices, and theoretical underpinnings of transhumanism and biohacking. This platform is designed to provide an accessible yet in-depth repository of information for both newcomers and experts in the fields of human enhancement, biotechnology, and cognitive augmentation.

Central to the ''Transhumanism Wiki'' is the transhumanist ethos, which emphasizes the use of science and technology to transcend the biological limitations of the human condition. The wiki outlines key concepts such as longevity, artificial intelligence (AI), and genetic modification, positioning these innovations as pivotal tools in humanity's pursuit of improved physical and cognitive capabilities. By presenting the latest advancements and ethical debates within these domains, the wiki promotes a forward-thinking perspective on how emerging technologies can reshape human evolution.

In addition to exploring theoretical frameworks, the wiki provides practical information related to biohacking—a community-driven movement aimed at self-optimization through biological experimentation. Contributions by Josh Habka and other members of the biohacking community highlight specific techniques and projects, including nootropics, body augmentation, and neurofeedback, showcasing how individuals can take an active role in enhancing their own biology.

Ultimately, the ''Transhumanism Wiki'' functions as a collaborative knowledge base, promoting informed discourse on the future of human enhancement. It balances both utopian aspirations of the transhumanist vision with critical perspectives on the societal, ethical, and existential implications of these technologies. Through a combination of expert insights and community-driven content, it serves as a vital tool for anyone interested in the convergence of humanity and technology.

About the author
Josh Habka

Josh Habka

Josh Habka is an analog astronaut, science communicator, biohacker, and CEO of Astrochain.

International Biohacking Community

The International Biohacking Community is the home of: grinders, biohackers, diy-biologists sharing academic research and information to lead innovation of human health.

International Biohacking Community

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